Friday, March 16, 2012

the little things...

Today, I was a bumm. From waking up at my friends house, all the way to writing this. The majority of my day consisted of:

-watching t.v.
-getting on facebook

Then, I got bored & decided to be creative.

-I sat on a beach towel in my backyard listening to music while I painted my toenails
-attempted to climb a tree [flip-flops aren't tree-climbing worthy shoes :P ]
-wrote my name with chalk on my driveway
-jumped on the trampoline with my sisters
-walked my dog around the neighborhood as the sun faded with my sisters

Needless to say, I had a wonderful day! It's very easy to please me and it doesn't take much to consider me entertained. I enjoy the little things life has to offer. But, far to often I get carried away in things that really have no true value. After all, nothing has true value if you can find God in it, or bring Him glory through it.
The little things are typically the most awesome things, in my opinion. We need to enjoy the little things because, one day they will add up to be the big things.
My advice, take time each day to sincerely smile, compliment someone, compliment more than just someone, pay attention to others, be kind to everyone, & show love to all. (: Life is a beautiful thing if you allow it to be. & I highly suggest you allow it to be. Look for the good. It's not hard to find. Look for God. He's everywhere!
I like this quote:
"Too often we underestimate the power of a touch, a smile, a kind word, a listening ear, an honest compliment, or the smallest act of caring, all of which have the potential to turn a life around." -Unknown
Yeah, makes you think. If you had the potential to turn a life around.... You do. Let's stop worrying and stressing over the big things and take a second to step back and not only notice, but enjoy the little things. Love the little things. Share the little things.

-if we had the potential to turn a life around with just the little things.... We do.

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