Sunday, September 29, 2013

this I love.

Sometimes I get carried away and so caught up in discipline that I forget the simple joy found in just being known and loved by Christ.

I'll be the first to tell you that I have such a mixed-up, dusty, messy little soul. I'm so lost without Jesus. Today I am thankful to serve a God who knows all of my flaws, yet still chooses to call me His child.

"There is something amazing about someone you care about saying your name, it is truly empowering to know that they know you by your name... How much more to know that Christ, the cosmic king of glory, knows you by your name and calls you daily."

One of my favorite things about reading the gospels is seeing how Jesus related to people. He knew people from head to toe before He spoke one word yet He was still intentional. He knew those people and called them personally by name. Jesus invests in His children. He calls us by name & He knows us.

"But now that you know God—or rather are known by God..." -Galatians 4:9

I think it's such a precious thing to bow before a King who loves His children so much that He takes the time to know them. God takes the time to understand even the dustiest corners of our mixed-up souls. He takes the time to reignite the flame in each of our hearts. Jesus takes the time to call me by name daily. To pursue me & invest His unending love in my life. I love this. I love Him & all He is.

Jesus knows me, this I love...